Particular issues of bronchoscopy in patients with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection


M. Shteiner(1, 2), MD; Yu. Biktagirov(2), Candidate of Medical Sciences;
M. Bereslavsky(3); Professor E. Korymasov(2), MD; Professor E. Krivoshchekov(2), MD; Professor A. Zhestkov(2), MD
1-Samara City Hospital Four
2-Samara State Medical University
3-N.I. Pirogov Samara City Clinical Hospital One

The paper analyzes the experience with 19 flexible bronchoscopies in the prone position in patients with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, who are on mechanical ventilation. The need for this position is generated by a sharp drop in oxygen saturation when turning the patient from prone to supine that is one of the two traditional patient positions during flexible bronchos-copy. A sharp drop in the body’s oxygen reserves could be avoided in all cases during bronchos-copy. All bronchial interventions (tracheobronchial tree debridement and necessary additional di-agnostic endobronchial manipulations) were performed to the extent required. The biggest tech-nical difficulty was an examination and additional diagnostic manipulations in the upper lobe bronchial basin on the ipsilateral side of an endoscopist.

novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection
prone position

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