Situational disability of a patient in psychiatry and general medicine

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Professor G. Nosachev(1), MD; Associate Professor I. Nosachev(1), Candidate
of Medical Sciences; E. Dubitskaya(2), Candidate of Medical Sciences; V. Semenov(3)
1-Samara State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia
2-N.I. Pirogov Samara City Clinical Hospital One
3-Self-Employed Lawyer, Samara

The paper substantiates the necessity of introducing the concept of situational disability in somatic medicine and psychiatry into the clinical and organizational-and-legal reality (using obnubilation of consciousness [mild torpor] and/or asthenic confusion as an example). The introduction of this concept will be able to protect the rights and freedom of a patient and his attending physician. The paper presents the main clinical symptoms of obnubilation (disorientation in time and situations, their sense association) as a decompensation in a somatic disease throughout the time course of changes in the painful process. It analyzes the clinical manifestations and legal categories of the concept (definition) of situational disability. Practical recommendations are given.

medical and civil law
somatic medicine
obnubilation of consciousness
situational disability
the rights of a patient and a physician
organizational and legal issues
practical recommendations

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