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Associate Professor L. Povalyaeva(1, 2), Candidate of Medical Sciences; A. Sukhanova(1, 2); E.
Yakovleva(1); Professor B. Borodulin(1), MD; O. Ushmodina(2); L. Peshkova(2) (1)Samara State Medical
University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (2)Samara City Hospital Fourth

Changes in lung tissue like ground-glass opacities are typical for many lung diseases, but in modern conditions, the main diagnosis in identifying increasing respiratory symptoms with a change on CT is the diagnosis «New coronavirus infection COVID-19, Bilateral polysegmental viral pneumonia”. The existing danger of «missing» another diagnosis is very high. Opportunities for high-quality differential diagnostics are significantly reduced. The aim is to show a clinical example of the comorbidity of a viral infection in a patient with HIV infection with severe immunodeficiency. Materials and methods. The clinical example from the practice of the COVID-19 is presented. Results. In a patient with a typical course of COVID-19, negative dynamics appeared during long-term treatment on day 37. Examination revealed an increase in symptoms and lung damage up to 85%. Further examination revealed HIV infection for the first time, confirmed by immunoblot at the stage of severe immunodeficiency (CD4 20 cells/μl). Pneumocystis pneumonia has been diagnosed. The patient died, although the treatment was carried out in full. Conclusion. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there is the possibility of a comorbid COVID-19 disease and other diseases that also have a ground-glass opacities.

infectious diseases
ground-glass opacities
Pneumocystis pneumonia
HIV infection

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