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Associate Professor Ya. Kozlova, Candidate of Medical Sciences; E. Frolova, Candidate of
Medical Sciences; A. Uchevatkina, Candidate of Medical Sciences; L. Filippova, Candidate of Medical
Sciences; O. Aak, Candidate of Chemical Sciences; V. Kuznetsov; Professor N. Vasilyeva, Biol. Dr.; Professor
N. Klimko, MD North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Saint Petersburg

Objective. To assess the level of traditional and additional markers of inflammation and to determine the features of the regulation of the immune response in patients with asthma with sensitization to Aspergillus spp. Materials and methods. The study included 57 patients with asthma without sensitization to Aspergillus spp., 36 patients with asthma with sensitization to Aspergillus spp., 25 patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), 30 conditionally healthy individuals. The content of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), thymus-associated regulatory chemokine (thymus andactivation-regulated chemokine; TARC), periostin, IL-8, levels of total IgE and specific IgE to Aspergillus spp. it was determined in the blood serum by the enzyme immunoassay. Results. In patients with asthma with sensitization to Aspergillus spp. significantly higher values of total IgE, sIgE to Aspergillus spp., and TARC levels in blood serum were established in comparison with patients with asthma. In the group of patients with ABPA, the values of the number of eosinophils, the levels of total IgE, sIgE to Aspergillus spp., TARC, periostin and IL-8 in the blood serum were significantly higher compared to patients with asthma. Significant differences in TARC levels were found in ABPA patients and asthma patients with Aspergillus spp sensitization. TSLP concentrations in the blood serum of the examined groups did not differ. Positive correlation of sIgE level to Aspergillus spp. with the content of TARC, periostin, IL-8 and the number of eosinophils, it confirms the importance of these markers in the development of allergic inflammation in patients with fungal sensitization. Conclusion. Increased levels of TARC and periostin, along with traditional biomarkers of eosinophilic inflammation, indicate activation of the Th2 type of immune response in asthma patients with Aspergillus spp sensitization.

Aspergillus spp.
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis

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