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A. Shapovalova(1); Professor V. Polyakova(2, 3), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of
the Russian Academy of Sciences; T. Kleimenova(2), Candidate of Biological Sciences (1)Saint Petersburg
Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology (2)Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry
of Health of Russia (3)Belgorod National Research University

The aim of the study. To study the correlation of expression of p53, type II collagen, VEGF and VEGFR in biopsy specimens of intact myometrium in women of different age groups. Materials and methods. The study included 90 patients aged 23 to 47 years, who were randomized into 6 groups. The first three groups included 45 practically healthy patients, the fourth, fifth and sixth groups – women with diagnosed uterine myoma, as a result of which the presence of two diametrically opposite variants of the development of myoma nodes in reproductive age was confirmed – simple myoma and proliferating myoma, with the latter variant predominating. Immunofluorescence and morphometric analysis of p53 proteins, type II collagen, VEGF and VEGFR using Olympus FV1000. Results. The average relative area of the p53 expression level was lower in all three age groups compared to the control group. The VEGF level turned out to be statistically significantly higher in proliferating fibroids in women, which indicated an intensification of the neoangiogenesis process in active uterine fibroids in younger women. The level of type II collagen was higher in all age groups in patients with uterine fibroids. Conclusion. The revealed features of proliferation, apoptosis and neoangiogenesis indicate new aspects of pathogenetically substantiated therapy for uterine fibroids. It becomes possible to develop drugs that contribute to the inhibition of the processes of proliferation, neoangiogenesis and stimulation of apoptosis. Apparently, this group of drugs will occupy an important place in therapeutic agents for conservative treatment at the initial stage of the development of myomatous nodes in young women.

growth factors

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