The effectiveness of long-term controlled therapeutic physical exercises in the combi-nation therapy of patients with hypertension and overweight

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T. Petelina, MD; K. Avdeeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences; S. Bykova; N. Musikhina, Candidate
of Medical Sciences; Professor L. Gapon, MD; L. Zyrianova; E. Zueva; A. Shcherb-inina Tyumen Cardiology
Research Center, Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk

Objective. To evaluate the impact of long-term outpatient controlled therapeutic physical exercises (TPE) on the parameters of 24-hour blood pressure (BP) monitoring (24-h BPM), the state of target organs, and metabolic indices of the body structure in hypertensive patients. Subjects and methods. The investigation involved 164 women who were divided into 3 groups: 1) 42 normotensive women (a control group); 2) 62 hypertensive women; 3) 60 women with hypertension and abdominal obesity. All the examined groups underwent the following tests: 24-h BPM on a BPLab device (manufactured by the OOO “Petr Telegin”, Russia); assessment of the metabolic indices of the body structure; study of the elastic properties of the vascular wall by using sphygmography on a VaSera VS-1000 Series device (Fukuda Denshi, Japan) with an estima-tion of pulse wave velocity in the right and left elastic arteries; and laboratory blood tests for the levels of sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone) on the IMMULITE 1000 analyzer (Siemens Diagnostics, USA). An adapted TPE procedure was used in hypertensive patients for 12 months. Results. Twelve-month long-term controlled TPE optimally controls the achievement and maintenance of the target levels of 24-h BPM indicators (systolic and diastolic BP), and also pro-vides a reduction in visceral fat area, mass, and volume in the hypertension group. Conclusion. Long-term outpatient TPE forms a strong motivation for conscious control of the patients’ health status and contributes to the maintenance of the main parameters of 24-h BPM at the target level. Optimization of the metabolic indices of the body structure in menopausal pa-tients with hypertension requires an additional consideration of their hormonal profile.

metabolic indices
long-term therapeutic physical exercises

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