The health status of children born after various assisted reproductive technologies

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Professor O. Filkina, MD; E. Vorobyeva, MD; Professor A. Malyshkina, MD; N. Dolotova, MD; Z-B.
Arekhova V.N. Gorodkov Ivanovo Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood, Ministry of Health of Russia

To study the health of children born after assisted reproductive technologies (ART) is an urgent task of medicine. Objective: to investigate the features of social and biological histories, morbidity, and anthropometric measures in children born after ART with transfer of cryopreserved and native embryos. Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 313 children and their mothers. Group 1 included 153 children born after cryopreserved embryo transfer (CET); Group 2 consisted of 160 children born after native embryo transfer (NET). The data was copied from the individual case records when using ART (Form No. 111-1/y-03) and neonatal (Form No. 097/y) and infant (Form No. 112/y and Form No. 003/y) ones. Social and biological history data, morbidity, and neonatal anthropometric measures (body weight, body height, and head and chest circumferences) were analyzed. Results. Mothers of children born after CET and NET did not differ in age, social and obstetric history. The mean anthropometric measures of full-term singletons born after CET were significantly higher than those after NET. Children who were born at less than 34 weeks showed no differences in the neonatal anthropometric measures according to the ART method. The structure of neonatal morbidity did not depend on the ART method; both after CET and NET, brain ischemia held the lead in the structure of morbidity, prematurity ranked next, and congenital pneumonia, unspecified occupied the third place.

assisted reproductive technologies
embryo cryopreservation
children’s health
anthropometric measures

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