Bioimpedance analysis as a promising screening technology in children

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Professor Yu. Samoilova(1), MD; D. Podchinenova(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor D.
Kudlay(2, 3), MD; Associate Professor O. Oleynik(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Associate Professor M.
Matveeva(1), MD; M. Kovarenko(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; E. Sagan(1); N. Diraeva(1); N. Denisov(1)
(1)Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia, Tomsk (2)State Research Center
«Institute of Immunology», Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia, Moscow (3)I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State
Medical University (Sechenov University), Ministry of Health of Russia

Objective: to develop a method for early non-invasive diagnosis of insulin resistance (IR) in pediatric practice. Subjects and methods. The investigation involved 1,939 children and adolescents who were divided into 2 age strata: under 10 years (n=625) and 10 years and older (n=1314). Each examinee underwent a set of clinical and metabolic studies, which included anthropometric measurements, by calculating the body mass index standard deviation score, bioimpedancometry with the determination of the main indicators of the body composition. In a random sample of 1859 examinees, serum insulin and glucose levels were determined, by estimating the homeostasis model assessment index of IR (HOMA-IR), C-peptide, leptin, and lipid spectrum. A correlation analysis was carried out to search for relationships between the studied bioimpedancometric parameters and metabolic status. ROC analysis was used to calculate the threshold visceral fat area values associated with a high risk for IR. Results. The statistical analysis revealed the threshold values of visceral fat area for bioimpedancometry, which were associated with the risk of IR. The obtained procedure had the sensitivity and specificity, which were comparable to those of the HOME index. Conclusion. Application of bioimpedancometry as a screening method for identifying a risk group among children and adolescents with different body weights will be able to implement timely therapeutic and preventive measures.

childhood obesity
insulin resistance
visceral obesity

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