Reference values for TREC and KREC concentrations in adults

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N. Davydova(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor A. Prodeus(2), MD; I. Obraztsov(1),
Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor D. Kudlay(3, 4), MD; I. Korsunsky(1), MD (1)G.N. Speransky City
Children’s Hospital Ninth, Moscow (2)Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad (3)I.M. Sechenov
First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) (4)NRC Institute of Immunology, Federal
Biomedical Agency of Russia, Moscow

The quantitative determination of TREC and KREC levels has found wide application in the diagnosis of primary immunodeficiency in the world pediatric practice. The application of the method in the diagnosis of adult patients has remained poorly understood until now. To determine the reference values of TREC and KREC for patients over 17 years old, 140 people aged 18 to 83 years were examined. As a result, the cutoff of the TREC and KREC concentration were determined for whole blood and dry blood stains in patients of the following age groups: 18–24 years old, 25–44 years old, 45–60 years old and over 60 years old.


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