Markers of the hemostatic and fibrinolytic systems in patients with surgical tuberculosis who have experienced COVID-19

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Professor R. Abdullaev(1), MD; O. Komissarova(1, 2), MD; E. Krasnikova(1), MD; M. Bagirov(1),
MD; Professor A. Ergeshov(1), MD (1)Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Moscow (2)N.I. Pirogov
Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow

The paper presents the results of a comparative study of the hemostatic and fibrinolytic systems in 16 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (PT), who experienced COVID-19, and in 18 patients with PT without COVID-19, who were admitted to the clinic of the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis for surgical treatment. In the preoperative period, PT patients who had experienced COVID-19 showed a hypercoagulation shift in the plasma component of the hemostatic system, which was accompanied by hyperthrombinemia and compensatory activation of the fibrinolysis system. This was evidenced by a shortened activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and an elevated D-dimer level. Analysis of the results of investigating the markers of the hemostatic and fibrinolytic systems revealed a hypercoagulation shift determined by a shortened aPTT index, an elevated fibrinogen level, a decreased thrombin time and antithrombin III level, and an increased D-dimer level in both groups one day after surgery. At the same time, the most pronounced hypercoagulation shift was observed in patients with PT who had experienced COVID-19.

infectious diseases
pulmonary tuberculosis
hypercoagulation shift
markers of the hemostatic systems
markers of fibrinolysis

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