The use of combined recombinant interferon alpha-2b medications in the treatment of allergic rhinitis

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Professor D. Trukhan(1), Dr Med. Sci.; V. Alekseenko(2); N. Kalashnikova(2); V. Minaeva(1); O.
Shelyapina(1); Professor K. Nesterova(1), Dr Med. Sci.; N. Bagisheva(1), Cand. Med. Sci.; Professor A.
Mordyk(1), Dr Med. Sci.; V. Goloshubina(1), Cand. Med. Sci.; M. Moiseeva(1), Cand. Med. Sci.; O. Vins(3), E.
Nebesnaya(1) (1)Omsk State Medical University (2)Omsk City Polyclinic No.12 (3)Medical and Sanitary
Department, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Omsk Region

Objective: to present the experience with combined recombinant interferon alpha-2b medications for the topical treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis (AR) exacerbations. Materials and Methods: The study design was a simple prospective one. This study was conducted on the basis of the Department of Allergology and Immunology of the Omsk City Polyclinic No. 12. The study involved 100 patients who had consulted an allergist about allergic rhinitis (AR) exacerbations - men and women aged 18 to 55 years, mean age (Me 25;75) – 33.0 (28;47) years. There were two consecutive groups of patients: those with acute non-severe seasonal AR and those with acute moderate-to-severe seasonal AR. A group of patients with non-severe AR (group 1; n=50) used the combined interferon-based medication Allergoferon (gel) to treat the disease in the acute phase. A group of patients with moderate-to-severe AR (group 2; n=50) used Allergoferon beta (nasal and eye drops) for the disease treatment in the acute phase. The patients’ conditions were assessed during follow-up examinations on the 7th (visit 2) and 14th (visit 3) days of treatment. Subjective symptoms were evaluated by the questionnaire-based method. This helped to determine the treatment effectiveness as well as the presence and severity of side effects. The effectiveness was assessed based on the reduction in the severity of local and general reactions. Tolerability of the medications was determined according to the patient’s subjective assessment. Results: Control examinations of patients in both groups were conducted on the 7th and 14th days of treatment. On the 7th day of treatment the patients in both groups reported improvement: in the group 1 (patients with non-severe AR) symptoms resolution was noted by 50% of patients, in the group 2 (patients with moderate-to-severe AR) – by 80%. In the group 1 some patients had nasal congestion (50%), eyelids itching (50%), nasal discharge (40%) and sneezing (50%), but the severity of these symptoms (in points) significantly decreased. In the group 2 some patients had the following symptoms: nasal congestion (38%), nasal discharge (31%), sneezing (20%) and eyelids itching (25%), but they reported much less severe symptoms. Patients in both groups had a significant reduction in the severity of all symptoms (nasal congestion, eyelids itching, nasal discharge, sneezing). No side effects were reported. Conclusion: During our study it was noted that both examined interferon-based medications (Allergoferon and Allergoferon Beta) allowed us to achieve a relief of subjective and objective symptoms of AR. In both groups a good tolerability of these medications was noted, no side effects and no cases of withdrawal or refusal were observed.

interferon-based medications
Allergoferon Beta
allergic rhinitis

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