Analysis of the pattern and course of juvenile idiopathic arthritis in children of the Samara Region

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E. Amosova, Candidate of Medical Sciences; S. Plakhotnikova, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
Professor G. Santalova, MD; Professor E. Borodulina*, MD; M. Davydova Samara State Medical University,
Ministry of Health of Russia

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common chronic rheumatic disease in children and one of the most frequent childhood chronic diseases. Patients with continuous disease progression (33 to 75%) and insufficient efficiency of various types of basic therapy are currently prevalent in the pattern of JIA. It is important for the physician to predict the outcomes of the disease and to determine the clinical predictors of a long-term adverse JIA outcome. Objective. To study the pattern and course of JIA in children living in the Samara Region to optimize approaches to therapy. Subjects and methods. The gender and age characteristics of patients with JIA were studied. The diagnosis was verified according to the ILAR criteria. The pattern of JIA in the Samara Region was presented. The authors analyzed risk factors for, the mean age at onset of JIA in various types of its course, the involvement of different joints in the pathological process, the activity of JIA, X-ray characteristics and functional class in the most common variants, as well as concomitant diseases. Biological therapy, the mean duration of biological agent (BA) use and the mean age of patients receiving the treatment were analyzed. Results. The presented information on the pattern and course of JIA in the Samara Region, the time of diagnosis and the timing of prescribed therapy, including that with BAs, and the reasons for their discontinuation allow us to apply a differentiated approach to therapy and to evaluate its efficiency and safety.

juvenile idiopathic arthritis
types of juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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