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Professor R. Shalina, MD; D. Spiridonov, Candidate of Medical Sciences; E. Plekhanova,
Candidate of Medical Sciences; L. Breusenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Ya. Borisov Pirogov Russian
National Research Medical University, Moscow

In recent years, the results of a number of studies on the problem of preterm birth have been published. It supposed that the rate of preterm birth should have reduced. Despite this, infection factors still contribute significantly to the structure of the causes of preterm birth. The aim of our study was to determine the role of infection in the structure of premature birth causes.

акушерство и гинекология
преждевременные роды
преждевременное излитие околоплодных вод
внутриутробная инфекция
бактериальные биопленки

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