Surgical policy for recurrent acute otitis media

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V. Saidulaev(2, 3), Candidate of Medical Sciences; V. Shpotin(2, 3), MD; Professor A.
Yunusov(1), MD; K. Mukhtarov(2), Candidate of Medical Sciences (1)National Medical Research Center of
Otorhinolaryngology, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia, Moscow (2)Astrakhan Branch, National Medical
Research Center of Otorhinolaryngology, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia, Astrakhan (3)Astrakhan State
Medical University

Recurrent acute otitis media is understood to be an inflammatory process in the middle ear, which recurs several times (as many as 5-6 times) per year. The transition of acute otitis media into recurrent otitis media is facilitated by middle ear ventilation tube block due to persistent mucous membrane swelling and granulation tissue growth in the aditus. The paper analyzes the results of surgical treatment in patients with recurrent acute otitis media. Subjects and methods. Nine patients diagnosed with recurrent acute otitis media were operated on in February 2018 to March 2019. In addition to revision and removal of pathologically altered tissues, surgical intervention was to create new ventilation tubes. Results. All the 9 cases had no pathological changes at 12 months after surgery, as evidenced by otoendoscopy, otomicroscopy, and temporal bone computed tomography (CT). The latter showed that the airiness of the antromastoid and tympanic cavities and the tympanic mouth of the auditory tube was preserved, which pointed to the sufficient functioning of the newly created ventilation tubes. Conclusion. If there are no effects of medical treatment and bypass grafting of the tympanic cavity in patients with recurrent acute otitis media, it is advisable to perform surgical treatment to create additional of middle ear ventilation tubes, which yields a stable clinical result.

recurrent acute otitis media
posterior tympanotomy

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