The effect of Thymalin on the immune system, hemostasis and cytokines level in patients with various diseases. Prospects for application in case of COVID-19

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Professor B. Кuznik(1, 2), MD; Professor V. Khavinson(3, 4), Corresponding Member of RAS
(1)Chita State Medical Academy (2)Innovative Clinic of the Health Academy, Chita (3)Saint Petersburg
Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology (4)Pavlov Institute of Physiology RAS, Saint Petersburg

The review evidences the data on the status of COVID-19 patients with lymphocytopenia, violation of the relationship between subpopulations of T-lymphocytes, NK-cells, T- and B-lymphocytes. The appearance of a «cytokine storm», accompanied by an increase in the concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines, was detected in these patients. At the same time, there occurs hypercoagulation and increased concentration of fibrinogen and D-dimer. COVID-19 patients manifested the development of thrombotic microangiopathy, thrombosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation and multiple organ failure, which often resulted in death. Administration of the peptide immunocorrector Thymalin in case of acute and chronic diseases and injuries led to normalization of cellular and humoral immunity, decrease of the pro-inflammatory cytokines amount, elimination of the «cytokine storm» or inhibition of its development, and reduction of the intravascular coagulation intensity. Combined application of Thymalin and Heparin in case of various diseases with dysimmunity and hypercoagulation resulted in positive therapy outcome. The analysis of literature and the data, obtained from the study on the Thymalin clinical effect, indicate the possibility of complex therapy with Thymalin and Heparin in patients with COVID-19, thus contributing to the decrease of pathological process severity and morbidity reduction.

«cytokine storm»
acute and chronic diseases

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