Chronic kidney disease as a proinflammatory syndrome

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T. Zueva, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor T. Zhdanova, MD; S. Urazlina; E. Kuznetsova, Candidate of Medical Sciences Ural State Medical University, Yekaterinburg

There is a steady rise in the number of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the general population, which determines the relevance of studying its pathogenetic mechanisms. The proinflammatory syndrome in CKD is now recognized as a factor for high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality rates in this category of patients. Systemic inflammation is one of the nontraditional cardiac risk factors; however, its role in CKD has not been fully studied; investigations in this area are being continued. The effect of uremic toxins in the initiation and progression of inflammation at various stages of CKD has been inadequately studied. The authors consider the pathophysiological mechanisms of inflammation and its role in complications in patients with CKD and set forth a modern view of the problem associated with the development of CKD complications that result from chronic systemic inflammation. Studying the mechanisms of development and diagnosis of systemic inflammation will be able to apply a differentiated approach to assessing the cardiac risk and treating patients with CKD. Investigations in this direction seem extremely promising.

chronic kidney disease
uremic toxins

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