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Professor Е. Borodulina, MD; Е. Vdoushkina, Candidate of Medical Sciences; А. Inkovа Samara State Medical University

HIV-infection is the most powerful of the medical factors that provoke the development of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis and AIDS are considered as natural companions. The regularity of this phenomenon is explained, first of all, by the predominant distribution of these diseases among the same population groups in terms of social risk factors and the characteristics of the immune mechanisms of the disease. The situation is complicated by the fact that the Russian Federation is one of the countries with high rates of HIV-infection. A review of foreign and domestic literature data on current features of the epidemiology, risk factors and causes of death in patients with comorbidity of tuberculosis and HIV-infection (TB/HIV) is presented. The problem of TB/HIV has a high social orientation, a significant risk factor for the development of the disease and a death factor is the consumption of narcotic substances. In recent years the situation has been complicated by an increase in the sexual transmission of HIV-infection, and the number of infected among young women is growing. The high susceptibility of HIV/AIDS patients to Mycobacterium tuberculosis is unique and creates many difficulties in terms of diagnosis and treatment. Tuberculosis (TB) can develop in any phase of the course of HIV-infection, but it is TB who is 1–3 months ahead other AIDS-associated opportunistic infections. In the ongoing studies difficulties are noted in the early recognition of tuberculosis occurring against AIDS due to the similarity of the clinical symptoms of these two diseases. In all studies low diagnostic information content is noted, which complicates the diagnosis of TB. All authors report the cause of death as the late detection of diseases, the detection of tuberculosis during the AIDS stage, low adherence to antiretroviral therapy, and breaks from treatment. All authors conclude that urgent measures are needed to improve tuberculosis control for patients living with HIV-infection. An important role is given to the early detection of the disease using modern immunological tests. High mortality in TB/HIV patients in Eastern Europe and Russian Federation deserves further study and an interdisciplinary approach to solving the problem, finding new effective ways to prevent and treat comorbid pathology (TB/HIV).

risk factors
antiretroviral therapy

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