Nonspecific pyoinflammatory diseases of the spine: spondylodiscitis and spinal epidural abscess

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A. Yarikov(1–3), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor O. Perlmutter(1, 2), MD; I. Smirnov(1); Professor A. Fraerman(1), MD; Professor A. Mukhin(2), MD; A. Simonov(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences 1-City Clinical Hospital Thirty-Nine, Nizhny Novgorod 2-City Clinical Hospital Forty, Nizhny Novgorod 3-Volga District Medical Centre, Nizhny Novgorod

Nonspecific pyoinflammatory diseases of the spine remain relatively rare, difficult to diagnose, and severe. The urgency of the problems of their treatment is explained by the increase in their incidence, the emergence of new antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains, the severity of the course, and poor treatment outcomes. Spondylodiscitis (SPD) and spinal epidural abscess (SEA) are considered in detail. Their etiology, clinical presentation, and diagnosis have been thoroughly studied and are described. Current methods for diagnosing SPD and epiduritis, such as laboratory diagnosis, spondylography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, biopsy, scintigraphy, and positron emission tomography of the spine, are highlighted. Medical and surgical treatments for these vertebral infections are described in detail. An algorithm for their treatment is presented. Particular attention is paid to surgical treatment techniques for SPD and SER.

infectious diseases
spinal epidural abscess
spinal osteomyelitis
vertebral infection

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