The results of the use of a sterile gauze bandage Proteox-TM in the complex treatment of abscessing facial furuncle

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T. Petrova; Professor I. Borodulina, MD; Associate Professor V. Chernegov, Candidate of Medical Sciences
S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, Saint Petersburg

Among non-odontogenic purulent-inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region, abscessing furuncle is more common. One of the points of the standard of medical care is its opening and drainage, followed by the appointment of conservative therapy. It is important to eliminate the manifestations of the boil on the face in a fairly short time. Therefore, in addition to drainage of a purulent wound, for the rejection of a purulent-necrotic rod, it is promising to use proteolytic enzymes, such as trypsin, chymotrypsin, immobilized on various tissue carriers. The aim of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness of using the Proteox-TM gauze bandage in the complex treatment of abscessing facial furuncle by analyzing the dynamics of the local status and cytomorphological data. Materials and methods. 53 patients with abscessing facial furuncle were examined and treated. When examined on the 1st, 3rd and 7th day after the operation, the following were evaluated: the amount of infiltration and perifocal edema, the intensity of the pain syndrome, the area of the wound surface, the cytomorphological characteristics of the purulent wound. Results. At admission, patients had pronounced perifocal edema, inflammatory infiltrate (2–3 points) and pain syndrome. In the course of treatment, when using the bandage Proteox-TM, a more pronounced positive dynamics was observed: the absence of purulent discharge on day 3.56±0.11, in the control group – on day 4.38±0.16 (p

abscessing boil
wound process
maxillofacial area
purulent wound

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