Impact of different treatments on skin barrier function in children with atopic dermatitis

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Associate Professor E. Dontsova(1), MD; Associate Professor I. Ivanova(2), MD; Professor L.
Novikova(1), MD; Professor V. Dontsov(1), MD; Associate Professor L. Borzunova(1), Candidate of Medical
Sciences; T. Koroleva(2) (1)N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia
(2)Central State Medical Academy, Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Childhood atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common disease of unknown etiology and multifactorial pathogenesis, which is embodied in the inefficiency of existing therapies. Objective: to provide a rationale for the use of hydrotherapy (HT), non-selective chromotherapy (NCT), and low-intensity laser blood irradiation (NLBI) in the combination treatment of children with AD, taking into account skin barrier dysfunction. Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 164 children (mean age, 8.0±2.9 years) with AD and 30 healthy children of the same age (a control group). The patients with AD were divided into 5 treatment groups: 1) basic drug therapy (BDT); 2) HT + BDT; 3) NCT + BDT; 4) NLBI + BDT; 5) HT + NCT + NLBI + BDT. Skin barrier function was evaluated, by measuring the skin pH, skin moisture (corneometry), and transepidermal water loss (TEWL). Results. BDT had no corrective effect on the indicators of skin barrier function. HT, NCT, and NLBI significantly improved the studied parameters: skin pH, moisture, and TEWL. Conclusion. Combination treatment including HT, NCT, and NLBI during BDT more effectively corrects skin barrier dysfunction than each of the methods used alone, which is embodied in the restoration of skin pH, moisture, and TEWL to the level of healthy individuals.

atopic dermatitis
skin pH
skin moisture
transepidermal water loss
non-selective chromotherapy
low-intensity laser blood irradiation

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