Efficacy and safety of endovascular thrombectomy for ischemic stroke in elderly patients

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2024-06-08

A. Sapanyuk(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Yu. Raikhman(2); M. Kuznetsov(2); Professor M. Glezer1, 3, 4, MD; A. Azarov1, 3, 4, Candidate of Medical Sciences; M. Sutormin1, 4; G. Ayvazyan(2); T. Kuropii(2);
1-Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region, Krasnogorsk
2-Voskresensk Hospital, Moscow Region
3-I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Ministry of Health of Russia
4-Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute ("MONIKI")

Endovascular thrombectomy is an effective and safe method for the treatment of ischemic stroke, but this method is poorly studied in elderly patients. A clinical case of successful endovascular thrombectomy in a patient aged 90 years with ischemic stroke and middle cerebral artery occlusion is presented.

ischemic stroke
endovascular thrombectomy
elderly patient.

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