
D. Trukhan(1), Dr Med. Sci.; N. Bagisheva(1), Cand. of Med. Sci.; K. Nesterova(1),
Dr Med. Sci.; A. Mordyk(1), Dr Med. Sci., Professor; V. Alekseenko(2); M. Moiseeva(1), Cand. of Med. Sci; N. Kalashnikova(2); V. Neshcheretneva(2);
1-Omsk State Medical University
2-Omsk City Polyclinic No. 12

Objective. To assess the effectiveness and safety of the combined medicine interferon alpha-2b + loratadine (Grippferon® with loratadine, nasal ointment) for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in patients with year-round allergic rhinitis. Materials and Methods. A total of 154 patients were included in the study and divided into four groups: group 1A patients (n=37) received the combined medicine interferon alpha-2b + loratadine (Grippferon® with loratadine) 5 times a day for 7 days for the ARVI treatment; in group 2A (n=41) standard therapy was carried out in accordance with the clinical guidelines for the ARVI treatment in adult patients (2021). Group 1B (n=38) patients used the combined medicine interferon alpha-2b + loratadine once a day for 7 days for the ARVI prevention; in group 2B patients (n=38) ARVI prevention was not conducted. There were 75 (48.7%) men and 79 (51.3%) women, aged 22-45 years. Results. During treatment with the combined medicine interferon alpha-2b + loratadine in group 1A patients there was a significant decrease in respiratory manifestations (such as nasal congestion, rhinorrhoea, sneezing) by comparing with group 2A patients. Rhinocytogram analysis results showed that the use of the combined medicine interferon alpha-2b + loratadine contributed to the reduction in the intensity and severity of inflammatory (leukocyte count) and allergic (eosinophils) responses. In group 1B patients, who received the medicine interferon alpha-2b + loratadine for the ARVI prevention, we noted that during three observation months 3 times less patients got acute respiratory infections by comparing with group 2B patients. Conclusion. The received study results demonstrate that the use of topical medicine interferon alpha-2b + loratadine in patients with concomitant acute respiratory viral infections and year-round allergic rhinitis shortens the ARVI treatment period. The preventive use of the given medicine allows us to reduce the number of ARVI in patients with year-round allergic rhinitis.

interferon alpha-2b
Grippferon® with loratadine
acute respiratory viral infections
year-round allergic rhinitis

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