Phytotherapy in the treatment of depressive states in adolescents

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D. Elistratov(1); Professor K. Grigoryev(2), MD
1- «Parafarm», Penza
2-N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Ministry of Health
of Russia, Moscow

Depression among children and adolescents is relatively common but frequently undiagnosed. Early detection of depression in young patients contributes to the efficiency of therapy and to a substantial improvement in quality of life. Combination treatment with psychotherapy and the herbal remedy Hypericum P (Hypericum perforatum) is the safest method for treating children. Hypericum P is designed using Russia’s unique cryopreservation technology. The paper considers the pharmacotherapeutic mechanisms of human exposure to the medicinal plant Hypericum P that is a natural antidepressant and has great potential to treat adolescent mental illness. In addition, the administration of the drug does not cause unwanted reactions.

Hypericum P.

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