Community-acquired pneumonias in children: clinical features, therapy compliance with clinical practice guidelines

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O. Lekomtseva(1, 2), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Ya. Subbotina(1); M. Meryaseva(2); A. Mikhaleva(2); D. Agliullina(2); N. Kuzmina(1)
1-City Clinical Hospital Seven, Izhevsk
2-Izhevsk State Medical Academy

Therapy for community-acquired pneumonia in children is an urgent public health problem, which is due to the substantial spread of this disease in them, to the severity of its course, to the chronicity of the process in the bronchopulmonary system, and to the remaining high mortality in this group of patients. The article presents the results of a retrospective study of the features of the clinical course and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in children of different ages.

community-acquired pneumonia
clinic presentation
antibiotic therapy.

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