Risk factors in the early diagnosis and prevention of osteoporosis in children: a rationale for pharmacological correction of calcium and vitamin D deficiency

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2022-08-07
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Professor V. Strukov(1), MD; Yu. Shcherbakova(3); D. Elistratov(2); Associate Professor D. Vikhrev(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Associate Professor N. Alekseeva(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Associate Professor L. Radchenko(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Associate Professor L. Musatova(3), Candidate of Medical Sciences; T. Kuptsova(1)
1-Penza Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians, Branch, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, Ministry of Health of Russia
2-Healthy Children Medical Center, Penza
3-Penza State University

The paper considers the role of risk factors (RFs) in the formation of low bone mineral density, starting with the prenatal period, early childhood and school age periods. An analysis has shown the characteristics of RFs in the examined children aged 9–17 years and their total negative effect on the development of osteoporosis and fractures in this category of patients. The paper also indicates a relationship of the frequency of bone fractures to the number of RFs risk factors and the presence of comorbidities. It provides a rationale for the pharmacological correction of vitamin D and calcium deficiency in children.

risk factors
repeated fractures
mineral density
hypovitaminosis D
vitamin D deficiency
Osteomed Forte
Osteo-Vit D3.

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