Effect of Femo-Klim on psycho-autonomic status, episodes of cardialgia in premenopausal women with metabolically healthy obesity and estrogen deficiency

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2022-04-09
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M. Khabibulina, Candidate of Medical Sciences; M. Shamilov
Ural State Medical University, Yekaterinburg

The paper gives the results of studying the effect of the natural non-hormonal remedy Femo-Klim on the psycho-autonomic and hormonal-metabolic statuses and episodes of cardialgia in women with metabolically healthy obesity (MHO) in the menopausal transition period (MTP). The investigation enrolled 94 patients with MHO in MTP. It revealed the association of estrogen deficiency with psycho-autonomic disorders, hypersympathicotonia, and cardialgia. The natural non-hormonal remedy Femo-Klim was found to effectively affect the psycho-autonomic status, episodes of cardialgia in women with MHO and estrogen deficiency in MTP. Femo-Klim has a complex versatile effect on the body, makes it possible to safely normalize the level of estrogen, reduces weight, and levels off the clinical manifestations of premenopause. All components of the drug are physiologically close to those of the human body and do not disturb the natural processes in it. Femo-Klim is highly effective with low toxicity, broad-spectrum activity and a complex harmonizing effect on the body.

metabolically healthy obesity
psycho-autonomic status
estrogen deficiency
premenopausal transition period

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