Benign forgetfulness and dementia in old age groups

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Professor A. Volobuev, Biol.D; P. Romanchuk, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
N. Romanchuk, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor S. Krasnov, Biol. D; Professor I. Davydkin, MD
Samara State Medical University

The paper considers the molecular mechanisms of emergence of short-term and long-term memory in the human cerebral cortex. It shows that short-term memory is due to an increase in the function of synaptic connections in the cerebral cortex, while long-term memory is due to the emergence of additional duplicate synaptic connections. Forgetting and remembering various concepts occurs due to the disruption and subsequent restoration of synaptic connections in the cyclic neuronal circuits of the neocortex. The principles of drug exposure in the development of dementia are assessed

senile dementia
entorhinal cortex
synaptic connection
cyclic neuronal circuit.

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