The clinical and economic rationale for the efficiency of using bioplastics in the treatment of patients with neuropathic diabetic foot syndrome

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G. Alyapyshev Ulyanovsk Regional Clinical Hospital

Objective. To study the short-term and long-term results of treatment in patients with Wagner grade 3 neuropathic diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) in a day hospital and, by carrying out a clinical and economic analysis, to evaluate the efficiency of using the bioplastic G-derm in the topical treatment of chronic wounds in these patients. Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 64 patients with Wagner grade 3 neuropathic DFS who were divided into 2 groups: a study group (n = 33) that was topically treated with the bioplastic G-derm and a comparison group (n = 31) that received the standard treatment with hydrocolloid dressings. The investigation results were used to comparatively calculate the average cost of complex surgical treatment in both groups. Results. In a day hospital, the short-term results of treatment with the bioplastic G-derm demonstrated a rapider wound epithelialization in the study group than in the comparison group treated with hydrocolloid dressings. The long-term results of using the bioplastic material G-derm also showed high efficiency. Conclusion. The conducted clinical and economic analysis has shown that the treatment with bioplastic G-derm in DFS patients, despite its relatively high cost as compared with that with hydrocolloid dressings, is effective from both clinical and economic points of view due to the rapid regeneration of wound processes.

diabetes mellitus
diabetic foot syndrome
the bioplastic G-derm
hydrocolloid dressing
chronic foot wound

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