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A. Shastin(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences, T. Bushueva(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences, V.
Gazimova(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences, T. Obukhova(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences, A. Zhdanov(2)
(1)Yekaterinburg Medical Research Center for Prophylaxis and Health Protection in Industrial Workers is a
Research Institute of the Russian Agency for Consumers Rights Protection (Rospotrebnadzor) (2)LLC Research
and Production Enterprise «Izhinformproekt», Izhevsk

Diseases of class ICD-10 X (J00-J99) «Diseases of the respiratory system» are the leading cause of primary morbidity in the population and morbidity with temporary disability among workers. The study of the impact of COVID-19 on the incidence rates of certain respiratory diseases in the population of Russia is a relevant task. Object. To establish the change in the indicators of the primary incidence of respiratory diseases as a whole in the Russian Federation and in individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 in relation to the indicators of 2019. Materials and methods. Official statistical data on the incidence of the adult population of Russia were analyzed and changes in indicators of individual diseases and groups of diseases of the ICD-10 X (J00-J99) class «Respiratory diseases» for 2019–2020 were determined in Russia as a whole and in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Results. The change in the level of primary morbidity for individual diseases and groups of diseases is multidirectional. Conclusion. The share of respiratory diseases in the structure of primary morbidity in the adult population as a whole in the Russian Federation increased from 30.0% to 36.9%. The most significant increase in the primary morbidity rates of the adult population with pneumonia and acute obstructive laryngitis (croup) and epiglottitis, where an increase in the incidence rate in the whole of the Russian Federation by 275.7% and 176.7% was registered in 2020. The decrease in the level of primary morbidity of allergic rhinitis (hay fever) in the Russian Federation in common was 20.9%. An abnormally high difference in the incidence rates in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by groups of diseases and by individual requires additional study of the epidemiological situation and the procedure for recording diseases with a diagnosis detected for the first time in life.

infectious diseases
respiratory diseases
primary morbidity
new coronavirus infection COVID-19

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