Geriatric aspects of peripheral blood erythrocyte micromorphology in patients with diabetes mellitus

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Professor T. Pavlova(1), MD; I. Povalyaeva(2); Professor N. Pilkevich(1), MD; Professor L.
Pavlova(1), MD; Associate Professor I. Goncharov(1, 3), Candidate of Physicomathematical Sciences
(1)Belgorod State National Research University (2)Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital, Belgorod (3)V.G.
Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University

The geriatric aspects of morphofunctional characteristics of peripheral blood cells (erythro-cytes) were studied in 1488 patients (765 women; their age was 45–79 years; 723 men; their age was 45–89 years) with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM1 and DM2), as well as with senile asthenia (SA). The blood test results in the patients were found to have multidirectional changes depending on the development of concomitant diseases, such as DM1, DM2, and SA, as well as on age and gender. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate and the mean hemoglobin (Hb) level pre-vailed in all the studied groups of patients aged 45–59 years, but these did not differ or were slightly lower in the groups of patients aged 60–89 years. The number and mean volume of red blood cells in the studied groups of all ages were slightly higher than those in the control group. The mean Hb concentration was slightly lower in 45–59-year-old patients with DM2 and SA; on the contrary, it was slightly higher in the DM1 group. In 60–89-old patients, this indicator was re-duced in DM1 and increased in DM2 and SA.

diabetes mellitus
geriatric syndromes
atomic force microscopy

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