The use of Phenazalgin in the treatment of bladder leukoplakia

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A. Korolev, Candidate of Medical Sciences; D. Kostyuchenko S.R. Mirotvortsev University
Clinical Hospital No. 1, Saratov State Medical University

The paper gives the results of a study of the efficacy of Phenazalgin as an uroanalgesic in the preoperative period for bladder leukoplakia (BL) in women. The investigation enrolled 38 patients aged 18 to 46 years (mean age, 22 years), who were diagnosed with BL. In the preoperative period, the patients were divided into 2 equivalent groups: 1) 19 patients who received conservative therapy with hyaluronic acid preparations (as instillations and oral administration) and, if necessary, antibacterial therapy, they took Phenazalgin 100 mg (2 tablets thrice daily for 2 days; if necessary, the cycle was repeated at a one-day interval); 2) during the similar conservative therapy, 19 patients took other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Preoperative preparation lasted an average of 7-10 days. The effect of the drug was evaluated before and 3 months after surgery prior to control cystoscopy using the O’Leary/Sant questionnaire, an analog scale for painful BL symptoms and the pelvic Pain and Urgency/frequency Patient Symptom Score).

preoperative preparation
bladder leukoplakia

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