Age-related foot syndrome in clinical practice

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Associate Professor S. Gorelik(1), MD; E. Butikova(2), E. Novikova(3); A. Rukavishnikov(4),
Candidate of Medical Sciences (1)Academy of Postgraduate Education, Federal Research and Clinical Center,
Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia, Moscow (2)OOO «Riviera Medical Center», Belgorod (3)Consulting and
Diagnostic Center Twelve, Ministry of Defense of Russia, Moscow (4)Tosno Clinical Interdistrict Hospital,
Leningrad region, Tosno

Age-related foot syndrome is a regional syndrome that manifests itself as biological, functional, social, aesthetic, and other dysfunctions of the foot due to age-related diseases and (or) age-related tissue changes. The paper presents the pathogenesis of this syndrome and changes in the foot bone and joint apparatus in this condition, as well as the basic prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation program for the age-related foot syndrome.

age-related bone changes
age-related joint changes
age-related foot syndrome

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