Organizational and management solutions to control the spread of COVID-19

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A. Trunin(1); I. Chudinov(3); V. Lebedeva(1); D. Aleshina(1); A. Ilina(1); Ya. Shirobokov(2);
A. Melerzanov(1, 3), Candidate of Medical Sciences (1)Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National
Research University), Dolgoprudnyi (2)Samara State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia (3)N.A.
Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, Moscow

The progressive spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has required the urgent development of temporary clinical recommendations for the treatment of patients, as well as algorithms for hospitalization, and protocols for laboratory and clinical examinations. In addition, the important health care tasks are to implement organizational measures aimed at mitigating the spread of the infection, such as the introduction of quarantine measures, a mask regime, vaccination, and the standardization of testing methods for coronavirus infection. The purpose of this review is to consider the existing methods and algorithms for the implementation of the above measures. The paper considers the temporary clinical recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Russia for the prevention, containment, diagnosis, and treatment of the novel coronavirus infection, as well as the published studies of testing methods for COVID-19, the results of clinical trials of drugs used in its treatment, and independent reviews of some of the currently presented vaccines. Based on the described methods and approaches, conclusions are drawn about the inconsistency of the effectiveness of various treatment approaches, hospitalization algorithms, and organizational measures.

infectious diseases
health care organization
mask regime
hospitalization algorithms
testing for COVID-19

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