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D. Piskunov(1, 3); Associate Professor A. Pushkin(1)–3, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
Professor S. Rukavishnikova(1)–3, MD (1)Saint Petersburg City Multiprofile hospital Second (2)Pavlov First
Saint Petersburg State Medical University (3)Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology

Understanding the factors that affect the stability of analytes during storage and transport is an important challenge for clinical laboratories. The aim of the study was to study the effect of the age factor on shift of potassium and glucose during storage of venous blood samples. We have carried out a prospective cohort study based on the clinical diagnostic laboratory of the St.-Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution «City Multi-field Hospital Second». To achieve the goal of the study, 3 groups of 40 samples were formed according to the age of patients. Group 1 - samples of venous blood from patients aged 35 to 59 years (average age is II half). Group 2 - samples of venous blood from patients aged 60 to 74 years old (advanced age). Group 3 - samples of venous blood from patients over 75 years old (old age). The analysis revealed statistically significant differences in the level of glucose shift when comparing age groups 1 and 2, as well as 1 and 3. Shifts of potassium are not statistically significant. The presented research results make it possible to expand the scope of knowledge in the field of the preanalytical stage of laboratory research and in the future can serve as tools for increasing the efficiency and quality of laboratory research.

middle age II half
advanced age
senile age
preanalytical stage
shift in the level of analytes

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