A case of successful treatment of a child with multisystem inflammatory syndrome against the background of a COVID-19 infection

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2021-03-08
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M. Ermachenko, Candidate of Medical Sciences, A. Popelkov, Yu. Zemin, R. Ivanov, E. Radionova,
O. Klimova, O. Gavazyuk, M. Suprun, S. Saltykova, N. Mkrtchyan, S. Guskov, M. Simbirtseva, R. Khakimov, D.
Mamasev, S. Butakov, P. Popelkova, T. Penkova, E. Kozlova Bratsk City Children’s Hospital, Irkutsk Region

The case of successful treatment of a 10-year-old child with multisystem inflammatory syndrome against the background of a COVID-19 infection in the department of anesthesiology-intensive care was analyzed.

infectious diseases
new coronovirus infection
multisystem inflammatory syndrome

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