Knee joint and patellar joint surface replacement

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Professor G. Kavalersky, MD; Professor A. Gritsyuk, MD; Associate Professor S. Smetanin, MD;
Professor A. Lychagin, MD I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

Replacement of knee joint (KJ) is frequently the only effective treatment for its degenerative and dystrophic diseases. However, whether the patellar joint surface should be replaced remains unresolved. The authors analyzed 2 groups of patients (n = 249). During knee arthroplasty, Group 1 of 128 patients underwent patellar joint surface replacement; in Group 2 of 121 patients, surgery was performed without replacing the patellar joint surface. Comparing the two groups showed that patellar joint surface replacement does not improve the outcomes of knee arthroplasty.

degenerative and dystrophic joint diseases of the knee
knee arthroplasty
patellar joint surface replacement

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