Headache syndrome and main areas of its relief in patients of different age groups at the sanatorium and health resort stage of treatment

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2020-11-13
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M. Zavadskaya; Professor L. Korsunskaya, MD; Professor A. Zavadsky, MD S.I. Georgievsky Medical
Academy, V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol

The pattern and characteristics of headache (HA) syndrome were studied in patients of different age groups (100 pediatric patients and 100 adult patients; the examinees’ age was 8 to 60 years) who had received sanatorium and health resort treatment. A preliminary comprehensive sanatorium examination with the participation of a neurologist and an otorhinolaryngologist could determine the pattern and nature of HA syndrome in different age groups, to identify the prevailing types and its causes, and to make corrections in a cycle of future sanatorium and health resort treatment. It is concluded that it is necessary of the neurologist and the otorhinolaryngologist to jointly participate in examining and treating pediatric patients at the sanatorium and health resort stage. In 20 patients with HA syndrome concurrent with higher anxiety, standard treatment was supplemented with Selank. Its intake made it possible to reduce the level of psychoemotional stress and anxiety in 81% of patients and to relieve headache attacks.

cephalgic syndrome
tension headache
psychoemotional state
chronic rhinosinusitis
sanatorium and health resort treatment

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