Management of patients with head injury and bleeding into the lateral ventricles

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V. Tsymbalyuk(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor S. Izmalkov(2), MD; Professor E. Krivoshchekov(2), MD; A. Vavilov(3), Candidate of Medical Sciences; M. Molchanov(4); Professor V. Romanov(5), MD (1)Novokuibyshevsk Central City Hospital (2)Samara State Medical University (3)N.I. Pirogov Samara City Hospital One (4)V.D. Seredavin Samara Regional Clinical Hospital (5)Territorial Fund of Compulsory Health Insurance of the Samara Region

The authors have proposed and justified the principle of treatment for patients with severe head injury and bleeding into to the lateral ventricles of the brain in the presence of hypertensive syndrome, by using the data obtained in 3 compared groups of patients receiving different treatment regimens. The classical regimen has been modified; the treatment has been added by the use of auto-erythrocytes for targeted drug transport. The management tactics and the features of the course of the disease in patients of the above groups are described in detail.

concomitant injury
bleeding into the lateral ventricles
blood surgery

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