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А. Khmelnitsky(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor К. Prashchayeu(2), MD; D. Elistratov(3) 1-Saint-Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and gerontology 2-Federal scientific and clinical center of specialized types of medical care and medical technologies of the Federal medical and biological Agency, Moscow 3-OOO Parafarm, Penza

The article presents an overview of the features of neuroimmunoendocrine and geriatric status in patients with coronary heart disease, which are scheduled on a planned coronary artery bypass grafting. The possible effect of the dynamics of proinflammatory immune response on the development of adverse events in such patients is described. It is shown that the frailty syndrome and the main geriatric syndromes can be predictors of adverse events after a planned coronary artery bypass grafting. The data of recent studies on biomarkers of fatal and nonfatal complications, as well as innovative developments of ways to identify the risks of adverse events in such patients are presented.

aorto-coronary bypass grafting
geriatric status
elderly age
neuroimmunoendocrine disorders

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