The basics of the prevention and treatment of dry eye syndrome in patients with diabetes mellitus

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V. Shishkova , Candidate of Medical Sciences Center for Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation, Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

The health status of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and their quality of life directly depends on their daily well-being and on the uncomfortable conditions that may not be so noticeable in the presence of macrovascular complications, but nevertheless, can cause great suffering. The cause of daily discomfort can be dry eye syndrome (DES), a set of corneal and conjunctival changes caused by systematic instability of the tear film. The current treatment and prevention strategies for DES involve the use of drugs that moisturize the eye surface. There is a wide range of tear substitutes on the market; however, when making a choice, it is important to remember that the drug should be long present on the eye surface and therefore the absence of drug components can have a negative impact on the eye.

diabetes mellitus
dry eye syndrome

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