Evaluation of the efficiency of running impulse magnetic field therapy with an ALMAG+ apparatus in treatment of varicose vein disease

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2018-09-18
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Professor Yu. Byalovsky(1), MD; A. Ivanov(2); N. Larinsky(3), Candidate of Medical Sciences; A. Sekirin(4) 1-Ryazan State Medical University 2-OAO Elatma Instrumental-Making Plant, Elatma, Ryazan Region 3-OOO Solotcha Sanatorium, Ryazan 4-M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Clinical Research Institute, Moscow

The paper considers the efficacy of running impulse magnetic field therapy with an ALMAG apparatus in the combination treatment of patients with lower extremity varicose vein disease.

magnetic therapy
lower extremity varicose vein disease
chronic venous insufficiency

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