Hormone replacement and cardiotropic therapy in young men with hypertension, overweight, and androgen deficiency

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29296/25877305-2018-07-18
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M. Khabibulina(1), Candidate of Medical Sciences, N. Fedorova(2) 1-Ural State Medical University, Yekaterinburg 2-Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital One, Yekaterinburg

Eighty-five men with hypertension, testosterone deficiency, and overweight were treated. The patients achieved a significantly effective result of 6-week treatment with minimal doses of a combined drug (10 mg lisinopril and 5 mg amlodipine) and minimal doses of hormone replacement therapy (transdermal gel 5 g and testosterone 50 mg daily). Early detection and timely treatment can prevent possible cardiovascular events. This therapy has a positive impact on blood pressure, vascular bed, erectile dysfunction, left cardiac remodeling, and psychological status.

androgen deficiency
combined therapy

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