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Е. Akimova MD; E. Gakova, Candidate of Medical Sciences; M. Kayumova, Candidate of Medical Sciences; E. Frolova, Candidate of Medical Sciences Tyumen Cardiology Research Center, Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Russian Academy of Science

Research is made according to the algorithms of the program of World Health Organization «MONICA – psychosocial» on the representative population sample in Tyumen among men in an amount of 850 people. The analysis of this study showed that in men aged 25–64 years Tyumen was unfavorable epidemiological situation on the prevalence of coronary heart disease. The highest readiness to implement prevention programs among the urban population of the city of Tyumen found in groups of individuals with already identified pathology that reduces the likelihood of the potential effectiveness of these programs in the General population. In General, the presented data demonstrate a high need in the prevention of coronary heart disease in people of working age, who demonstrated in groups of men aged 25–64 years with and without coronary heart disease.

coronary heart disease
open population
subjective and objective indicator of the health
male population

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