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E. Sheshegova (1), Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences; E. Tyukina (1); Ya Nartsissov (1), Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; T. Potupchik (2), Candidate of Medical Sciences; O. Veselova (2), Candidate of Medical Sciences 1 -Research Institute of cytochemistry and molecular pharmacology, Moscow 2 -Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

The paper gives the results of a clinical trial of Biotredin® used to treat children and adolescents (a total of 103 people) at the All-Russian Research Center for Hygiene and Prevention of Diseases in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. Without causing autonomic reactions, the drug improved mood and self-confidence, increased short-term memory span, and positively affected attention and hemodynamic parameters in one-third of the examinees.

deviant behavior

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