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O. Titova (1), MD; N. Kuzubova (1), MD; Professor V. Volchkov (2), MD; E. Privalova (1), Can-didate of Medical Sciences; A. Shumilov (1); A. Gichkin (1), Candidate of Medical Sciences 1 -Research Institute of Pulmonology, Acad. I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medi-cal University 2 -Saint Petersburg State University

Sulodexide was tested for its effects on clinical and functional indicators in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) concurrent with hypertensive disease. One-year follow-up showed that patients who had additionally taken sulodexide had stabilization of blood pressure, reductions in dizziness and headache, an increase in exercise tolerance, a decline in the number of exacerbations, improvements in spirometry readings, diffusing lung capacity, and pulmonary hemodynamic parameters, and optimization of endotheliumdependent vasodilation, which lends support to the appropriateness of further investigation of angioprotectors used in the combination pathogenetic therapy of COPD.

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
endothelial function
cardiopulmonary hemodynamics

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