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V. Saidulaev (1); K. Mukhtarov (1); V. Shpotin (1), MD; D. Kharitonov (1), Candidate of Medical Sciences; I. Mukhamedov (2), MD 1 -Astrakhan Branch, Research and Clinical Center for Otorhinolaryngology, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia 2 -Research and Clinical Center for Otorhinolaryngology, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia, Moscow

The paper analyzes the results of surgical treatment in 40 epitympanitis patients who have undergone tympano- and mastoidoplasty using an autobone chip. Multislice spiral computed tomography of temporal bones is a noninvasive, highly informative, specific, and sensitive method for the postoperative examination and monitoring of patients after tympno- and mastoidoplasty for epitympanitis.

multislice spiral computed tomography

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