Prospects for the use of the Memo-Vit vitamin-mineral complex in the prevention and treatment of various types of dementia


Professor I. Moiseeva(1), MD; Professor O. Gisinger(2), Biol.D; A. Mitishev(1),
D. Elistratov(3); A. Fedorov(4); Associate Professor P. Poluboyarinov1, Candidate
of Agricultural Sciences; A. Pronkina(1), S. Burmistrova(5) 1Penza state University
2-Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba, Moscow
3-Medical Center «Academy of Health», Penza
4-Penza State Agrarian University
5-Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov

The article studies the possibility of using the Memo-Vit drug in order to prevent and correct the course of dementia. Actual statistical data and the content of forecasts for the spread of the disease are given, a description is given of the currently available means of prevention and therapy. The most common causes of the occurrence and development of pathology (including atrophic and vascular forms) are singled out. The components of the domestic nootropic Memo-Vit (red-stemmed buckwheat grass, May rose hips, HDBA organic complex) are considered, their chemical composition and influence on the biochemical mechanisms of dementia development are analyzed. The prospects for the use of the drug in the fight against the disease are evaluated.

vascular dementia
atrophic dementia
Fagopyrum esculentum Moench
Rosa majalis
HDBA organic complex
drone homogenate.

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