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Professor A. Sulima, MD; Associate Professor Z. Rumyantseva, Candidate
of Medical Sciences; N. Efremova
Institute «Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky» V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia

The features of the course and correction of menopausal syndrome (MS) are largely determined by concomitant psychosocial factors (PSRFs), as well as the presence of extragenital pathology. In this regard, the issues of studying PSRFs in women with MS and concomitant somatic morbidity are quite relevant. The aim is to study the main PSRFs in women with MS and concomitant extragenital pathology. Subjects and methods. A prospective comprehensive clinical, laboratory and psychosocial examination of 100 women with MS was conducted, which were divided into two groups: the main group – 50 patients with MS on the background of extragenital pathology; the control group – 50 patients with MS without extragenital pathology. Results. The study revealed a significantly higher level of depression and reactive anxiety in women who complain of MS and suffer from extragenital pathology. These psychological disorders can be explained by a violation of stress coping mechanisms, as well as the predominance of immature styles of defense (passive aggression, detachment from the situation, somatization). Conclusions. A complex of psychological problems leads to a deterioration in the quality of life with an average level of psychosocial stress. The obtained results should be used in the development of a complex of prognostic and therapeutic and preventive measures.

psychological and social factors

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