The effectiveness of a comprehensive rehabilitation program including interactive balance therapy with biofeedback and kinesihydrotherapy in on the balance function in patients with obesity

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V. Vasileva; L. Marchenkova, MD; Professor M. Eryomushkin, MD; V. Kolishenkov
National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology, Moscow

Objectives: the study of the influence of a new complex method of physical therapy with the inclusion of balance therapy with biofeedback and kinesihydrotherapy on the human balance function. Material and methods: the study included men and women aged 40 to 65 years with a body mass index ≥30 kg/m2. Research methods included anthropometry, stabilometry. The patients were further divided into two groups by simple randomization. Patients of both groups underwent a two-week course of medical rehabilitation. Patients of the main group received 4 methods of physical therapy: balance therapy, group classes in kinesihydrotherapy, group classes in a special complex of therapeutic exercises in the hall, aerobic exercises on a stationary bike or treadmill. The patients of the comparison group were treated only with the use of aerobic exercises and therapeutic exercises in the hall according to the same methodology and with the same number of procedures as in the main group. Dynamic observation was carried out at the beginning and after 14 days. Results: according to the data, we obtained an improvement in the balance function on the 14th day of the study in terms of spread along the front(p=0.028) and the spread along the sagittal (p=0.043). Significantly improved indicators in the main group in terms of the average speed of movement of the center of pressure (p=0.018) and the speed of movement of the statokinesiogram (p=0.028), indicators of the area of the ellipse (p=0.018). Conclusions: the new comprehensive program, including aerobic and strength physical training, kinesihydrotherapy and balance therapy, showed a more significant effect on the balance function after completion of the rehabilitation, rather than the standard rehabilitation method.


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