Assessment of the physical aspect of vitality in elderly patients using the indicators of exercise tolerance


Associate Professor A. Rubinsky(1, 2), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor
A. Kalinichenko(3), Doctor of Sciences in Technology; A. Zarudsky(4, 5), Candidate
of Medical Sciences; A. Rukavishnikov(6), Candidate of Medical Sciences; Professor V. Marchenko(1), MD
1-I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Ministry of Health
of Russia
2-Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology
3-V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University (LETI)
4-Saint Joasaph Belgorod Regional Clinical Hospital
5-Belgorod State National Research University
6-N.K. Orlov Dolinsk Central District Hospital, Dolinsk, Sakhalin Region

The physical aspect of age-related viability was studied using various clinical data, one of which is the indicators of exercise tolerance (ET). However, there is no common understanding of the physical aspect of age-related viability, as well as there are no methods for its assessment in different age periods. Objective. To improve the assessment of the physical aspect of age-related viability using the analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) in different periods of the moderate ET test in pulmonology patients of different age groups. Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled patients undergoing respiratory rehabilitation, including 20 middle-aged (45–59-year-old) and 13 elderly (60–74-year-old) patients according to the WHO classification. All the patients underwent a physical examination according to the traditional routine procedure using spiroarteriocardiorhythmography at rest and during functional tests. Results. The investigation describes a methodology for assessing the regulatory circulatory systems by HRV in different periods of the ET test in middle-aged and elderly patients with pulmonary diseases. Conclusion. For a quantitative assessment of the physical aspect of age-related viability, the authors recommend an estimate of HRV in the recovery period of the moderate ET test.

advanced age
moderate physical activity

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